This program was previously known as the Domiciliary Hostel program and is now known as Housing with Support. The program is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Housing but is administered by the local government regions, counties and cities. This program is part of the Province's effort to reduce homelessness and is known as the CHPI (Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative).

In many cases, residents are long-term and the Homes become their home.

Payment is from the local municipality who set their own rates and method of payment. Some municipalities use a per diem rate; others have lump sum contracts.

These homes are exempt from the Residential Tenancies act, 2006; the Retirement Home Act of 2007 and are Income Tax exempt if the Home is the principal residence of the operator.

In many respects, these homes are operated in a very similar manner to the CHO’s. The major difference is the origin of the residents. They are placed through the various social services serving the different local municipalities as opposed to CHO`s where residents are provided through the identified CHO Service Provider in that region.

Qualifications for owning and operating these homes are basically the same as for CHO’s – Vulnerable Persons Police Clearance and Basic First Aid and CPR.


Q. & A.

Q.   What qualifications does one need to own and operate an HWS?

A.   One must have a police clearance for Vulnerable Persons Police Clearance and a Basic First Aid Certificate.

Q.   What qualifications are required for employees?

A.   No qualifications except for the Vulnerable Persons Police Clearance and
       Basic First Aid.

Q.   Do we need a nurse to administer the medications?

A.   No, because there is no administration of the medication; the
comes in packs clearly labeled with the residents’ name.

Q.   How do I handle violent residents?

A.   Violent persons are not candidates for these types of homes. The Social
       Service workers who place residents will ensure all the residents are

Q.   Do I have to be at the home all the time?

A.   No. As an owner your responsibility will be to ensure that a capable person is
      onsite all the time. However, many owners of smaller homes do work in the
      homes to save on labour costs and also because they enjoy the work of
      caring for vulnerable people



For more information on HWS's, review some of the links shown below: 

Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI)

Cornwall HWS

Domiciliary Hostel Survey 2009

Durham Region Housing with Support

Essex County housing with support

Hamilton HWS

Lanark County HWS

Ottawa housing with support

York Region Housing with Support


Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Certification

St Johns Ambulance First Aid courses

Vulnerable Persons Police Check


Alzheimer Society Information

Canadian Mental Health Association

Ontario Works